Wisdom Tooth Extraction

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Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from the socket in a bone. Tooth extraction can be simple or surgical. Simple tooth extractions are performed by lifting a visible loss of a tooth by rocking them back and forth before plucking. Surgical tooth extractions are performed for teeth that are difficult to access because they have not fully erupted and are broken inside the gums especially the molar teeth. By incision and splitting the tooth can be easily removed. Your dentist can remove the tooth on a regular visit or suggest you an appointment to perform a lengthy procedure. He will recommend, pain killers, to lessen the pain afterwards.

Some reasons requiring tooth extraction are

Wisdom teeth, also called, third morals are the final set of teeth that come in during the late teens or early 20s. They are often extracted before or after they erupt. They are valuable only in the sense if they come out healthy and are properly positioned but if they are misaligned (inwards, sideways and at times position themselves horizontally) or start decaying by getting stuck in the jaw (impacted) then they become a nightmare. There are four wisdom teeth. Two at the upper jaw and two at the lower jaw. A wisdom tooth that does not erupt properly through the gums leaves openings for the bacteria causing infections. Your doctor can examine the position of your wisdom teeth by x-ray and may advise you about the extraction even during the initial stages. By this, they can help you to avoid painfully complicated extraction at later stages of wisdom teeth.


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Why Should You Have Your Wisdom Tooth Removed?

Your dentist will examine through X-ray if your wisdom teeth are not erupting normally. If not treated or extracted immediately, an abnormally growing wisdom tooth could lead to an infection called pericoronitis. Here are the most common cases why wisdom tooth extraction is recommended:

  • Impacted teeth – Your teeth are trapped in your jawbone or gums which could cause a lot of pain.
  • Wrong angle – Your teeth are pressing against your other teeth.
  • Small mouth – Your jaw does not have any room for new teeth to come out.
  • Cavities/gum disease – Your wisdom teeth acquired cavities or the gum around caught some disease because the area is not reached with toothbrush or dental floss.
What Happens When A Wisdom Tooth is Not Removed?

More than just alleviating the wisdom tooth pain, here are the other reasons why wisdom tooth extraction for some certain cases is necessary:

  • Can cause damage to other teeth – If your extra set of molars are pushing against your other teeth, it can cause further damage or bite problems.
  • Jaw damage – If wisdom tooth is not extracted, cysts can form around the new teeth which can damage your nerves and hollow out your jawbone.
  • Swollen gums – If your gums are inflamed, this could create pockets between teeth that would be an area for bacteria to grow and lead to cavities, swelling, and stiffness of your jaw.
  • Alignment issues – If your wisdom teeth are impacted, your other teeth may become crowded. To fix this and apply orthodontic treatments, wisdom teeth may need to be removed.
  • Sinus Problems – There is a link with wisdom teeth problems to sinus pain and congestion.